English language psychotherapy
Psychology Board of Australia
Registration No: PSY0001172290
Anerkannt als Diplom-Psychologe vom
Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologen e.V.
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie
Psychologist Hamburg
Psychologist and Founder. Expat psychotherapy, Hamburg, Germany
October 2013 - Present.
The Kusnacht Practice (Psychiatric Hospital)
Live-in Psychologist, Zurich, Switzerland
May 2016 - Present.
The Extraordinary Adventure Club
Expedition Psychologist, Scotland
September 2018 - Present.
Travelled around South America
July 2012 - July 2013.
South Pacific Private Hospital
Facilitation of inpatient psychotherapy process groups;
Weekly lectures/presentations;
Staff training, implementation and analysis of HoNOS data.
October 2009 - July 2012.
Meaningful Living
Psychologist and Co-Founder.
Individual and group psychotherapy - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
November 2008 - July 2012
Advanced Personnel Management
Individual counselling. Assisting return to employment following physical and psychological injury/illness; Assessment of abilities, aptitude and personality to identify vocational goals;
Mental health assessment.
May 2007 - September 2009
The Sydney Clinic (Psychiatric Hospital
Delivery of individual and group Psychological Therapy/Counselling to inpatients/outpatients
(Axis I and Axis II Psychological Disorders).
May 2007 - November 2008
McKesson Asia Pacific
Telephone crisis support and counselling for problem gamblers;
Mental health assessment and referral.
October 2006 - April 2007
Macquarie University
Research Assistant; Analysis in the area of celebrity worship, and the pathological and non-pathological aspects of fan interest. Analysis of interview transcripts of individuals reporting recent incidents of rage.
2002 - 2005